Soft Pro Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Template
Soft Pro Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Template is Comes with UI Kit in Badges, Buttons, Floating Action Buttons, Carousel, Modal, Dropdown, Dropdown menu, Sortable, Nav, Breadcrumbs, Pagination, Alert, Callout, Tooltip, Accordion, Tab, Process, Progress bar, Spinner, Timeline, Timeline activity, User Cards, Sweet Alert, Notification, Advanced Medias, Badges, Dropdown grid, Dropdown menu, Dropdown, border, color, Draggable Portlet, Bootstrap Switch, Date Paginator, Horizontal Timeline, Nestable, and Ribbons.
Soft Pro – Responsive Bootstrap 4.1 Admin Template, UI and WebApp Template a fully responsive admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap 4.1 Framework, modern web technology HTML5 and CSS3. Lightweight and easily customizable which is basically designed for the developers who want to customize it.
You can track and analyze your job statistics from our HTML template plugins and widgets. Soft Pro Admin is a fully responsive admin dashboard template for job analytical data.
Soft Pro Admin Panel Template Provides App and it consists of Chat App, Contact/Employee, Calendar, Profile, and Userlist Grid.
Soft Pro Premium Admin Template Provides Pages and it consists of Blank, Coming Soon, FAQ, Gallery, Invoice, Pace, and Pricing.
Soft Pro Bootstrap UI Kit Templates Provides Widgets and it consists of Widgets, Chart, Statistic, and Weather.
Soft Pro Dashboard Templates Provides Box and it consists of Advanced, Basic, Color, and Group.
Soft Pro Admin Dashboard UI Kit Templates Provides Charts and it consists of ChartJS, Flot, Inline Charts, Morris, and Peity.
Soft Pro Responsive Admin Dashboard Templates Provides Forms and it consists of Advanced Elements, Code Editor, Editors, Form Validation, Form Wizard, Formatter, and General Elements.
Soft Pro Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Templates Provides Tables and it consists of Simple Tables, Data Tables, and Editable Tables.
Google Map
Soft Pro Bootstrap Admin HTML Templates Provides Google Map and it consists of Simple Basic Map, Market with Info window, Over Layer Map, Polygonal Map, Routes Map, and Styled Map.
Vector Map
Soft Pro Bootstrap Admin Web App Templates Provides Vector Map and it consists of World Map.
Soft Pro Responsive Web Application Kit Templates Provides Extension and it consists of Fullscreen.
Soft Pro Dashboard Admin Template Provides Authentication and it consists of Login, Register, Lockscreen, and Recover Password.
Error Pages
Soft Pro Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Template Provides Error Pages and it consists of 404, 500, and Maintenance.
UI Elements
Soft Pro Premium Admin Template Provides UI Elements and it consists of Buttons, Border, Color, Dropdown, General, Icons, Advanced Medias, Modals, Notification, Draggable Portlets, Ribbons, Sliders, Sweet alert, Tabs, and Timeline.