Bankio – Best Admin Dashboard Template & WebApp Template
Bankio Admin Dashboard Template Comes with Form in Form Validation, Form Wizard, Code Editor, Default inputs, Material inputs, Success inputs, Warning inputs, Error inputs, Combine inputs, Custom checkboxes, Custom radios, Password strength, Form layouts, Color picker, Date time selector, Select picker, Upload buttons, and Validation.
A fully responsive WebApp Template built with Bootstrap 4.2 Framework, modern web technology HTML5, and CSS3. Lightweight and easily customizable which is basically designed for the developers who want to customize it.
More than 100+ features and with widgets and plugins are included here to make your work easier.
Admin Dashboard
Bootstrap Admin Dashboard
Dashboard Admin Template
Bankio Admin Panel Template Provides App and it consists of Chat App, Contact/Employee, Calendar, Profile, and Userlist Grid.
Bankio Premium Admin Template Provides Pages and it consists of Blank, Coming Soon, FAQ, Gallery, Invoice, Pace, and Pricing.
Bankio Bootstrap UI Kit Templates Provides Widgets and it consists of Widgets, Chart, Profile, Statistic, and Weather.
Bankio Dashboard Templates Provides Box and it consists of Advanced, Basic, Color, and Group.
Bankio Admin Dashboard UI Kit Templates Provides Charts and it consists of ChartJS, Flot, Inline Charts, Morris, and Peity.
Bankio Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Templates Provides Forms and it consists of Advanced Elements, Code Editor, Editors, Form Validation, Form Wizard, Formatter, and General Elements.
Bankio Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Templates Provides Tables and it consists of Simple Tables, Data Tables, and Editable Tables.
Google Map
Bankio Bootstrap Admin HTML Templates Provides Google Map and consists of Simple Basic Map, Market with Info window, Over Layer Map, Polygonal Map, Routes Map, and Styled Map.
Vector Map
Bankio Bootstrap Admin Web App Templates Provides Vector Map and it consists of World Map.
Bankio Responsive Web Application Kit Templates Provides Extension and it consists of Fullscreen.
Bankio Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Provides Authentication and it consists of Login, Register, Lockscreen, and Recover Password.
Error Pages
Bankio Admin Dashboard Template Provides Error Pages and it consists of 404, 500, and Maintenance.
UI Elements
Bankio Premium Admin Template Provides UI Elements and it consists of Buttons, Border, Color, Dropdown, General, Icons, Advanced Medias, Modals, Notification, Draggable Portlets, Ribbons, Sliders, Sweet alert, Tabs, and Timeline.
One of the perfect Bankio Bootstrap Dashboard Admin Templates I’ve ever seen! Such a masterpiece! Modern Design admin templates looks premium. Thank you so much
Thank you sir, we are also very happy to make Bankio Admin Dashboard Templates for your use.
Simply awesome. I was looking for a modern, minimalist, and attractive Bankio Bootstrap Dashboard Templates and I found this. There are so many pages and options in this Bootstrap Dashboard Admin Templates. I just love it.
Thank you sir, we bring something new every time in all our Bankio Bootstrap Admin Templates, that’s why everyone likes our template.
Everything is good in Bankio Bootstrap Admin Web App. Design, source codes and variety of choices. Word “Perfect” suits the most for this Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates.
Thank you sir, we bring something new every time in all our Bankio Bootstrap Admin Templates, that’s why everyone likes our template.
I don’t understand why I am so obsessed with this Bankio Bootstrap Admin Dashboard. I was looking for a modern and attractive Dashboard Template and I found this. Also the Design quality of this Bootstrap Admin Dashboard is superb. I recommend this product!
We are very happy to hear the praise of our Bankio Dashboard Admin Templates. , We sincerely thank you for this.
I have to work till late night and all thanks to this awesome website to provide me best Bankio Bootstrap Admin Dashboard with night mode. Great combo, well organized and well developed templates i really love this..
We sincerely thank you and will keep you such better Bankio Bootstrap Admin Web App.
The functions and the latest features are the only things that made me buy these Bankio Responsive Admin Dashboard Template. Customer service is very friendly and flexible as well. great job!
We hope that using our Bankio Template Admin will make your work easier. Thank you sir.
I’ve been using this Bankio Bootstrap Admin Template for so long, and it’s still very comfortably working. Great products get from here.
We are very happy to tell you that we always try to make our Bankio Bootstrap Admin Templates the best, that’s why we have a good relationship with all our customers.
Never thought that this Bankio Bootstrap Admin Template from this website is going to be such great. Pieces of good work and unique art clearly seen on all Templates.
Thank you sir, we want to tell you that we have kept many more Bankio Admin Templates Bootstrap on our web site.. We request you to go to our website and see our template once, we are sure that you will like our Bankio template very much.
The functions and the latest features are the only things that made me buy this Bankio Bootstrap Admin Web App I can’t find any better website for Bootstrap Admin Templates than this.
Thank you sir, we feel very happy to make such a Bankio Responsive Web Application Kit for our customers.. Because our customer’s need is everything for our company.
This is the perfect Bankio Bootstrap Admin Templates . Word “Perfect” suits the most for This Bootstrap Admin Templates. Thanks!
Thank you sir, we want to tell you that we have put a lot of new functions in this Bankio Admin Panel template, which will make it easier for you to work and if you ever have any problem with our template, then feel free to tell us and we will be happy.